Finally, this day has come!! Last Fri, bs n I plus Peilin went down to the bridal shop to selection the photos we took last week. I have asked Peilin along cos I knew she like to looks at pics plus she has missed my fitting, she also act as the "third voter" in case bs n i have any disagreement in any photos. To our amazed all the pics turn out quite nice even before any editing has been done. Peilin was happily looking through the adlum and keep say "this is nice, tat is nice"... BS reply "tat is not very helpful" lolz.... We are suppose to choose 65 pics, both bs and I have agreed to stick with that figures as we have spend abt 4K for the bridal package.
Firstly, we review the adlum once to have a quick look at each photo. Next, we group the photos into the outfit. Since we have 7 outfits, we start with the casual, victorian, evening gowns, outdoor and we ended with out actual outfit for the day. During the selection, at some points we do not know which one to choose, on the other hand, the boss, Roland, keep saying "buy more photos lor...". But we are very determine and at the end we manage to choose 68 photos (include 2 photos on rings and flower which Roland say is a complimentary for us). I am also suppose to confirm the actual evening gown for the day, but was delimma which one to get finally I decide on the red one... hehe....
The whole process lasted for 2 house, but by the time we finish is already 9pm++. Guess what happened when we walked back to the car, BS kena a "summon" for parking at the yellow line... he was like "wat the F***". Total damage is $50. In the end, we headed to "chomp chomp" to have our late dinner....
Lesson learnt:
- Be firm on the num of photos to choose n dun get influence from the boss lolz
- Group the photos into theme for easy selection
- It might be a good idea to get someone else tag along to have a 3rd opinion
- Lastly, dun park at yellow line as these days these "fatima" is damn hard working
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