Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Cheapo bugular at malaysia

Got a sad story to share which happened recently and it goes like; my mum and uncle drove into Malaysia, Pontian to attend a relative's wedding dinner. The journey was one and a half hour ride to a small town. They parked their car beside the restaurant's kitchen and opposite a automobile shop at around 6.30 pm.

So the wedding kicked off around 7.30pm and while they were having a great dinner, gues what happened at the parking area. The car was broking into by 2 bugulars, they smashed both the left side windows and guess what they had stolen...... a bag of fruits, a bag of clothes and a few stack of "Joss stick and candle". Oh god man, you must be wondering about the kind of stuff they stole, where are their professionalism as bugular. I meant you will usually goes for money, who the hell in the world would stole these kind of stuffs and what make the situation worse, they smashed the car's window just to stole "joss stick and candle". Maybe they are too clever.....

Now the car was send to garage for repair, what a good closure for 2007. On a side note, for those of you who drive into Malaysia, beware of bugulars and robbers be it clever or stupid ones.


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